
The weekly schedule can now be charged here

Morning sessions:  They are deducated to 3 or 4 specialist lectures of ~45 minutes duration from the invited speakers. Their level is adapted to the audience of the workhop, i.e. young researchers (mainly PhD). There will be two type of lectures:

A. New developments in high resolution molecular spectroscopy (experimental & theoretical)
B. Modern applications in photonics, industry, life Sciences, astrophysics, atmospheric sciences

Afternoon and evening sessions: Theyare dedicated to tutorials and pratical work. The isolated alpine site of the Les Houches physics school is ideal for atmospheric optical measurements (LIDAR, OFCEAS) and astrophysical observations. We will do spetrocopic observations of stars in the evening. Three groups (with about 12 participants each) will alternate between 3 different experiments (LIDAR, OFCES, stellar spectroscopy). Tutorials, supervised by confirmed scientists in the field, are organized. They will restitute results from the experimental observation.

Poster sessions: will be organized where the participants will present their own research. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 15th 2022.  

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