Registration feesFees include full board and lodging in the chalets of the school (payment details below) : Participants: PhD students and postdocs: 250 € Permanent researchers from public laboratories: 300 € Participants from industry: 650 € Sponsorship packages for private companies 1 speaker + 1 participant + exhibition space (4m2): 2500 € 1 participant + exhibition space (4m2): 1500 € Distribution of advertisement materials or flyers by organizers: 500 € For French institutions these tarifs are "Hors Taxe (HT)". Please indicate +10% TVA and the TTC amount on your BC. For Non-French institutions no VAT does apply. Payment details for registration fees: - Participants affiliated to French institutions: please issue a "Bon de commande (BC)" to be send to the financial manager of the workshop Mme Virginie Bouet, Faculté des Sciences & Technologie, Université Paris-Est Créteil, exclusively by email: virginie.bouet@u-pec.fr cc. martin.schwell@lisa.ipsl.fr). Object: "Paiement des frais d'inscription Workshop international: New Developments in High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy and Outreach to modern applications, pour participant(s) XY". Your institution will in turn receive an invoice from UPEC. Don't forget to indicate on your BC the exact address where the invoice should be send. You can find below the "fiche d'identité" of UPEC. - Participants affiliated to Non-French institutions: payment by bank transfer exclusively, using UPEC's IBAN (see below). IMPORTANT: Label the bank transfer with the reference "903HouchesSpectro". The number 903 is very important since it indicates the destination inside UPEC (Faculté des Sciences & Technologie). Please indicate us by email when you ordered a bank tranfer (virginie.bouet@u-pec.fr cc. martin.schwell@lisa.ipsl.fr). Eventual transfer fees must be covered by your institution. If you need a proof of payment, we can issue a certificate once the funds have arrived @UPEC. - Deadline for reception of your payment is April 15th 2022 - If you have any question please contact: martin.schwell@lisa.ipsl.fr or virgnie.bouet@u-pec.fr |
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